
Reservation Request

It’s important to note that submitting a reservation request on this website does not guarantee a confirmed booking. While the reservation form is a crucial part of our pre-booking process, it does not provide absolute assurance that your request will be fulfilled unless you purchase your ticket.

You can expect to hear from our representative soon regarding the booking process for your selected cruise, tour, activity, or service. They will be in touch to provide you with further details.


There may be additional fees associated with certain trips, which are not mandatory. The decision to pay these charges rests entirely with you. For instance, accessing the interior of museums may involve an extra fee.


At HappyDaysZante, we provide discounts to large groups, big families, and those who choose to book multiple tours at once. Additionally, on most tours, we offer discounted rates for children who are under the age of 12. In some cases, this may result in a significantly reduced price or even free admission for very young children. Please keep in mind that these discounts are subject to availability and may vary depending on the tour’s capacity.

Canellations & Refunds

If your trip gets cancelled due to weather conditions or any fault of ours, we will provide you with a full refund. Alternatively, you may also choose to reschedule your tour for a later date

If you experience an accident or a serious medical issue, you have the option to cancel your reservation. Upon doing so, our office can provide you with a statement that you may use to claim a refund from your insurance company.

In this case you can provide your ticket to a friend of yours and let us know about  the name change.


While you are free to bring any personal items with you on the tour, we advise against bringing valuable belongings. Additionally, you are welcome to bring your own food and drinks; however, please note that refreshments will be available for purchase on board and during scheduled stops.


In this case, it is up to you to change the date of your tour to another day.